Final Conference: presentation of the White Paper

The project "BEST, Build European Solidarity Today: Let's replay the Fraternity Card!" co-funded by the Erasmus+ program and 36 months long, is coming to an end.
Implemented with a network of European partners from Croatia, Italy, France, Poland, Slovenia and Spain, it promoted the acquisition of social and digital skills and the strengthening of knowledge, understanding and appropriation of the values of cooperation, plurality and coexistence of different ideas, ethnicities, religions and inclusion.
On November 30, the project partners will meet in Brussels as part of the international conference, an opportunity to discuss the future of Global Citizenship Education in their respective countries, but also at the European level, as all member states have committed to Goal 4. 7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, according to which by 2030 all students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including through education and the adoption of new lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, the promotion of a culture of peace and nonviolence, global citizenship, and the enhancement of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development.
The conference will also be an important moment for the exchange of best practices in the field of non-formal education and its encounter with formal education.
In addition, the results of the project, the methodologies tested, and the advocacy track, which produced the white paper "Reflections and Proposals on the Role of Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education in Promoting Global Citizenship Education in the EU," will be presented and discussed with representatives of European institutions and representatives of European civil society and partner countries.